There are some dog owners who do not allow their pup’s paws, especially the tiny breeds, to touch the ground. Thus, these dog owners carry their dog anywhere, everywhere. When this is not a bad idea to carry your dog as needed –like avoiding the mud before getting into your car or after taking a bath – you should still have your dog his walkies time, which is beneficial to health and socialisation skills. Most people will agree that dogs must have plenty of exercise and carrying your pup is not a daily necessity, here are 3 situations when it is appropriate to carry your pup.

- He is sick.
When your dog is sick and you need to take him to his veterinarian, it is best to carry him so he does not need to use further energy. He will also feel that he can rely on you and he is being taken care of when you carry him around at times that he is not feeling well.

- He is in a parking lot.
When you are in a busy parking lot, you might also want to carry your dog to make sure that he does not run around. Carrying him is also a way for your dog to be kept safe from people driving too fast in the parking lot, or for those drivers who get distracted and “relaxed” since they are already ready for parking, as they might not see or expect dogs walking/running around.
- He is on a hot terrain, roadway, street, or surface.

Roadways, terrains or surfaces, especially those made of asphalt, can turn too hot, depending on the weather conditions. Although dog paws won’t find it difficult to play in snow, muds, etc., hot surfaces might burn their delicate paws.
- He is on a slippery floor or area.
When you are with your dog and you know that there is even the tiniest possibility of your dog being in a slippery area, it is best to carry your dog around to avoid any further accident.
Regardless of your whereabouts, you should always consider your dog safety and when situation calls for it, do not hesitate to carry your pup.