Dogs are man’s bestfriend and they are one of very few animals that can be with humans most of the time – whilst there are cases that dogs attack humans these are infrequent and usually as a result of poor management but we should still be mindful of what dogs doont like us doing.
Here are a few things that you should keep in mind when you’re with your pooch.
Staring – this often translates to provocation especially when its a stranger. The last thing you should do is stare too long at a dog. Though you’ll probably have no problem with your own dog, with others it might be interpreted as a challenge.
Yelling – interpreted by your dog as angry barking. A high tone of voice will trigger them to get angry however by adjusting your vocal tone, you’ll get your dog’s attention without scaring them.
Teasing – this action annoys dogs all the time and has even been proven. Remember that dogs can only interact with the way we talk and our body language.
Interrupted sleep – Never ever bug a sleeping dog! You will end up annoying our furry friends just like us humans. Most of the time we get angry when our sleep is interrupted or sometimes it startles and it’s the same for dogs.
Being with other unsocialised dogs – when your furry friend is with other strange dogs, this will annoy them and might incite a skirmish. This behaviour most likely occurs when both dogs are not properly introduced, thus ending up in a possible duel.