What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a kind of manual treatment mostly used for humans. It is used to correct misalignments by adjusting the spinal cord and to restore the functions to the nervous system. In that way, the body can heal naturally. The goal is to find out the cause of the misalignment and to treat those. 8 out of 10 dogs feel visibly relieved after the treatment.
Causes for a misalignment
There are many causes why your dog can get a misaligned vertebrae. The causes are very similar to the ones for us humans. A reason can be trauma, the physique of the dog or a lack of exercise. Lack of exercise can also cause excess weight which is also a trigger for a misalignment, as well as old age. Transporting your dog is an other important factor that can cause pain and discomfort. If your pooch has to sit in a basket that is too small or not comfortable, the dog is likely to get into poor posture. Other activities, such as those a police dog has to perform, can also cause pain.
- relieving postures
- stiffness
- lack of coordination while walking
- muscular atrophy
- reacting sensitive to touches
- unusual itching
- having problems taking the stairs or to jump
- ambling
Course of treatment
First of all, you don’t have to worry that your fury friend will be in pain during the treatment. Most dogs don’t feel the small pressure that is put on them and some even like it.
The first step is to find out what the symptoms are and to see if there were any problems like that in the past. After that the vet investigates the dog in a standing position and analyses his walking. The palpation is the next step before the vet starts with the adjustment.
Aftercare is very important for your pooch. So make sure he does not play a lot, with you or with other dogs. But don’t think that the dog should not move at all. That is a mistake a lot of owners make. Take your dog for a walk to a quiet place, but don’t worry if he is a little bit slower than usual. He might have sore muscles for a few days after the adjustment.
Is chiropractic right for my dog?
If you or your dog minder notices any of the above symptoms, take the dog to your vet and ask him for advice. Most of the times it is a good alternative for giving your dog medication or having a surgery. It is worth a try and if you do not see any success, you can return to your vet who will further help your dog.
What do you need to do to become a Chiropractic for dogs?