What is desexing and why is it important?
Desexing is an important part of responsible pet ownership, but what is it exactly? Desexing is a surgical procedure performed by a veterinarian on animals in which the reproductive organs are removed to prevent further breeding. This quick and safe surgery has both health and behavioural benefits for your pet; apart from reducing aggression, it can also help protect them against diseases, such as uterine infections and testicular cancer. Plus, desexed animals can live longer than their un-desexed counterparts! As you can see, desexing isn’t only beneficial for pets, but for their owners too. So if you’re looking at either adopting or purchasing a furry companion, make sure they’re desexed to ensure they stay healthy and happy!
What are the benefits of desexing your pet?

Desexing your dog or cat offers numerous benefits, from improved health and wellbeing to convenience for pet owners. Not only does desexing make sure your furry friend can never contribute to animal overpopulation problem, but also greatly reduces their risk of certain diseases and cancers. For female pets, spaying eliminates the bothersome heat cycles and eliminates the possibility of them ever getting pregnant. As for male animals, neutering prevents unwanted roaming behaviour and agonising testicular cancer further down the line. Plus, if you’re looking to save money in the long run—it can be up to 40% cheaper on annual veterinary expenses due to fewer trips. Desexing not only helps foster healthier and happier animals around us, but gives pet-parents peace of mind as they embark on their lifelong journey with their companion.
How can you tell if your pet needs to be desexed?
Desexing a pet can help reduce behavioural issues and combat overpopulation in pets. But how can you tell that your pet needs to be desexed? It’s important to keep an eye on your pet’s behaviour and their physical development. If male dogs start to mark their territory inside the house, for example, or if female cats meow incessantly, these could be signs that it’s time to get them desexed. Also, look for physical changes like a very large abdomen on female cats or breasts starting to form in young female dogs – these are signs of reproductive maturity and could suggest it’s time for them to have the operation. Whilst it’s easy enough to monitor these changes yourself, we recommend discussing desexing with a vet before taking any action – they may recommend different timescales and will be able to offer advice specific to your pet and situation.
How much does desexing cost?

When researching pet desexing costs, pet owners should be aware of the potential associated costs. On average, pet desexing can cost between $200 and $450 depending on the size of your pet, their medical history, and the location where they receive the procedure. Fortunately, PetsOnMe insurance can help cover some of these expenses. You can check our Wellness Benefit add-on package for more information. Researching your options thoroughly is key to finding cost effective solutions when it comes to pet desexing.
Are there any risks associated with desexing surgery/procedure?
Desexing surgery is generally considered a safe and beneficial procedure for many pet animals, although as with any kind of surgery there can be associated risks. These risks may include pain, discomfort, and a risk of infection or bleeding during and after the procedure. Pet owners should ensure they are comfortable with their vet’s experience in performing desexing procedures and the post-operative care they will provide before making a decision on whether to go ahead with the surgery. Even if there are minor risks associated with a desexing procedure, they may still be worth it given the health benefits it may give your pets later in life. Research into all your available options as well help to make sure you proceed confidently with the right decision for your pet.
Aftercare for desexing

Desexing is one of the most important procedures that you can do to look after the well-being of your beloved pet. After they have undergone surgery, your furry friend may need some extra TLC from you. To ensure that their recovery goes smoothly, try to limit their physical activity or exercise for at least a few days before slowly reintroducing it. Furthermore, you should keep an eye on them to make sure any incision wounds are healing properly and there isn’t any swelling or redness around the area. If there is, contact the vet straight away! Lastly, try to provide them with a comfortable and peaceful place to rest – their bed should be just right for a peaceful recovery.