Having a dog is like having a child in the family, they need commitment as the dog will depend on you to care for his needs and teach him to have respect, to be loving and a loyal companion.
- Make sure you get a puppy, puppies don’t have any training yet and they have clean slates. An adult can be trained to change bad habits, but that those habits will be hard for a newbie to change. You can start teaching good manners at this stage, also simple tricks like sit, roll, and shaking hands can be taught too. Get a good book if you’re not sure how to do it properly.
- If your dog commits a mistake, never use physical force. This will only make him distrustful of you. Use a high pitch voice to praise him, and an assertive tone when giving commands.
- A dog cannot be as cooperative when he is not in good health, make sure you have good knowledge on dog nutrition and health so you can make sure he/she reaches optimum growth with a healthy immune system. When you’re away and your dog is with his dog sitter, its important not to change the dog’s diet as this can cause an upset tummy.
- Take your dog outside and have him exposed to a variety of dogs, and even people. Also introduce him to sights and sounds too so your dog will get used to it and will be less fearful. Take him on car rides and fun places at an early age. This will help him relax while in a vehicle. Driving to the vet will even do the trick as will regular outings with a professional dog walker.