Dogs aren’t called man’s best friend without good reason. They are our loyal friends, our cuddle partner and our daily exercise routine. Here are seven reasons why dogs make us happy.
A word of warning before you read: this will just make you love your fur-child even more and will probably result in extra treats for them too.
1. You are never alone
As a dog owner, you never get bored. You always have someone to cuddle, exercise with or to just watch the latest series on Netflix. A lot of people even say that they don’t need a partner when they have their pooch. After a long day, you always know somebody is there when you get home and they never answer back!
2. Dogs are good for your health
Dogs keep us healthy in many different ways. They force us to go outside which improves our immune system, they help us to lower our blood pressure and to recover quickly from illnesses. It is also scientifically proven that dogs help to reduce our stress level when we cuddle with them or when they greet us when coming home after a hard day of work. People who own a puppy are even less likely to show symptoms of depression. When kids grow up with a dog, they are also less likely to develop allergies.
3. They are good for kids
Children learn to be responsible and it even helps them in dealing with people as well. They learn a lot about empathy and are better in making and handling social contacts.
5. Social contacts
Dogs don’t just help children with handling social situations. When we walk our dog, we easily meet new people and it is easier for dog owners to communicate with others. There is also a huge community for dog owners and dog lovers who can connect and interchange with each other (FindADogMinder is one!).
4. You can tell your dog everything
We can talk to our dogs about anything and everything. Our pooches don’t judge, they only give us love and adoration. It is proven that talking to our dogs can help us to remain calm and release stress.
6. Unconditional love
Our pooches give us unconditional love, no matter what we look like or how old or young we are. We can make mistakes and at the end of the day, they still love us. You don’t get that kind of love from any other animal.
7. No alarm clock necessary
You definitely don’t need an alarm clock when you have a dog. He will make sure you wake up in time. And what is a better way than to be woken up by your pooch?
Simply: Dogs make us happy and they show us how to be the best version of ourselves.